Select a date from a popup or inline calendar
For each of the widget's options the binding has a corresponding option with the same name. These can be set to static values, or bound either to normal or to observable properties of the viewmodel.
For each of the widget's events the binding has a corresponding option with the same name. These can be set to functions. When invoked the value of the this keyword evaluates to the viewmodel.
Should be bound to one of the viewmodel's observables. Every time that observable changes, the widget is refreshed (it's refresh method is invoked).
Should be bound to one of the viewmodel's writeable observables. The binding will write a jQuery object containing the binding's DOM element into it. The primary use for this option is to invoke the widget's methods on the element.
The selected Date. Note the difference between this option and knockout's built-in value binding, the examples below use both.
<span>Popup calendar: </span><br/>
<input type="text" data-bind="datepicker: {}, value: valueString1" />
<span>Inline calendar: </span>
<div data-bind="datepicker: { value: value2 }"></div>
<button data-bind="button: {}, click: to01012000">Set to 01/01/2000</button>
var ViewModel = function () {
this.valueString1 = ko.observable();
this.value2 = ko.observable();
ViewModel.prototype.to01012000 = function() {
this.value2(new Date(2000, 0, 1));
Popup calendar:
Inline calendar: